Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Reasons Why Apple Lowered The Prices Of The Ipod Touch And Iphone This Week

This week for the first time Apple lowered the prices of the old versions of the IPOD touch and Iphone. This was due to the newer versions being released a couple of months back and it made the fans happy. A lot of fans had complained that the pricing should go down as early as the new models of the version were released and Apple made this happen. Apple obviously care about Broadband Tv fans a lot and as a major Ipod fan and user I was happy when I was informed that they had lowered the prices.

I am also curious to see whether Apple release a very cheap product in the near future, so it is broadband modem affordable for those living in both Asia and Africa. Some thing a lot cheaper than even the Ipod Shuffle. Such a cheap product would cement there position as the global market leader for personal technology.

I am very Telekom Malaysia Phone Directory with the quality of the Iphone so far. Even though I had to save up for a while just to buy it, it has been worth it. I am more organised as the phone has a lot of these fantastic features. My voice and video conversations is now a lot clearer due to the high quality of the phone. And I am allowed to share software and cool games with my friends who also have an Iphone them apartment in kuala lumpur I am really looking forward to the newer version of the Iphone which is expected to be out next year. As a newer version was released only a couple of months ago, that is the one I have.

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